We have a winner!
The FlyingCracker.com catchphrase contest was a big success. We received 150 entries from 37 people from all around the globe. Well, mostly from Crested Butte, but we got our fair share of entries from Texas, Utah, and Arizona. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry. Four qualified judges labored mightily to reduce the 150 entries to a manageable number. They performed their job admirably and will receive a cocktail of their choice from the FlyingCracker.com test kitchen. Incidentally, none of these judges had any idea who submitted the entries - all their judging was done exclusively on the merits of the phrases themselves.
Honorable Mentions (in alphabetical order):
A little snow ain't going Tequila | Dave Brewster | (Best Pun) |
Butte Weather Bytes | Don Ullrich | |
Can you feel it? | Sue Schappert | |
Don't fear the weather | Kirstin Peterson | (Best Classic Rock Reference) |
Get Cirrus | Carol Dale | |
High Pressure? No Problem! | Chuck Spinks | |
Hold the ice | Carter Ullrich | |
It's Always Pouring | Kate & Chris Ladoulis | |
Old Fashioned Weather | Dave Brewster | |
Spirited Weather | Jackie Levine | |
Stirring Weather | Brian Levine | |
Sunshine and moonshine | Dave Brewster | |
Weather or not | Diane Markowitz Kevin Beltz Mathew Barlow Ed Weeks Leslie Baeder Terri Ullrich |
And the winner is...
submitted by Bob Nowotny. This entry most embodied the feel we were seeking - edgy, snappy, and fun. It pertains equally to weather and to cocktails yet still leaves the door open for future fun. Someone who doesn't know the site will read "Dangerously Informative" and think, "I've got to check that out!". Hopefully you current FlyingCracker.com aficionados will say to yourselves, "Right on!" or "Damn straight!" or "Sick!" or "Fo shizzle, G!" or whatever you think is a cool affirmative declaration.
Bob and his wife Lynda submitted thirty-three (33) entries, fully 22% of the field, thus proving that size (or at least volume) does matter. Bob is a former resident of Crested Butte who now calls Texas home. He is a writer, a film director, producer, and a private pilot. Bob will be around for this year's Crested Butte Reel Fest - be sure to tell him congratulations. He probably wouldn't turn down a pint of Guinness if you feel so inclined.
Thanks again to all the entrants, without your playful sense of humor this place would be a lot less fun. And thanks for your support of FlyingCracker.com.
The Entrants