Sabering Champagne
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
We've been sabering champagne for years, ever since our late friend Kelly Johnston introduced us to the French custom. A few days ago Wired News linked to flyingcracker in their article on sabering champagne bottles (causing a nice 6,147 hit spike). For the record, we did attempt sabering this New Years eve with two bottles of Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin (our favorite champagne). Both attempts failed as the bottle neck refused to part from its body. The last time this happened we unwisely pressed on, whacking away wildly, shattering the bottle and slicing a goodly portion of our index finger. You can still see the scar.
This stunt is dangerous. Proceed at your own risk.
Our sabering article is a reprint of unknown origin.
Happy New Year!