Welcome to the first skier guide for the Niccoli Nordic Loop just outside Crested Butte South. While some might question the need for a guide to a 3.4K loop, we think a few people might have fun with this information. Note our map and tips are valid for the track set for the 2006/2007 skiing season.
Trail map:
After parking you enter the trail at the point we label "right foot".
The trail has three small loops: Leg Loop, Arm Loop, and Head Loop. The Leg and Arm loops are joined by what we call the Spine. Doc Sue (Mrs. Flyingcracker) says that realistically the spine should extend up to the head, but in this case a shorter spine makes for a better track.
The entire trail is almost exactly 3.33K, so three laps gives you 10K.
Yes, naming three loops on a 3.33K track is a tad bit silly, but we know kids will have more fun skiing when they think about what part of the "body" they are skiing on. At least that has been the case for this "kid".
- In a wind from either up-valley or down-valley, ski all loops counter-clockwise for an easier ski. For more resistance ski the loops in a clockwise direction. Counter=easier, clock=harder. Just remember, "It's easier to ski on a counter than on a clock."
- If winds are averaging 10 mph or greater - stay home.
- When sun is down be careful on both "right arm" descents. Both turns are sharp and it is difficult to stop going downhill.
- Skiing on Head Loop and need to get home in a hurry? Note that the left arm is shorter than the right arm.