Local water enthusiasts have spoken loudly and clearly. We've added four new reporting sites to the river flow page. Thanks to several people who suggested the Gunnison River below Crystal Dam, now reported in the Gunnison Drainage section. Fast Eddie (no pun intended) in Salt Lake City asked for the Weber at Gateway and two sites on the Snake River. And we fixed our Slate River at Baxter Gulch report.
After adding these additional sites we realized the river flow section was a bit long and unwieldy for the main flyingcracker weather page. To make this data easier to view, we've moved things around a bit. Now the main weather page shows just the Gunnison drainage, while a new flyingcracker page now shows all river flows for all drainages.
If you have a favorite local USGS streamflow reporting site, send the USGS site number to flows@flyingcracker.com and maybe it'll make the list. Who knows, perhaps soon we'll have a new reporting station at Walrod Gulch (right) on Cement Creek.