In May 2009 we lost a Garmin Edge 305 GPS on the Walrod Cutoff trail on Cement Creek near CB South. You may have read the story here. Since then, flyingcracker friends and family have collectively spent hundreds of hours over eight weeks searching for the elusive unit. Our personal final search involved Robin Zimmerman of the Mt. CB Metro district and a top-of-the-line CST/berger Magna-Trak metal detector (see image at left). Unfortunately Robin found that when using the detector to "find" a very similar GPS placed in the weeds nearby, it would not register unless the wand was only 6" away from the GPS. The folks at Garmin had said as much, there just isn't much metal inside these small portable GPSes. Nevertheless we had high hopes for the detector and those were dashed quite quickly, so the official search is over.
Thanks to everyone who searched for our Edge 305. We heard from many friends who spent countless hours with their heads down on Walrod Cutoff. We'd like to thanks Bill and Carol, Brian and Carol, Hunter and Kylee, Skip and Tom, Robin, Peggy, Dave, Dave, and Dave, Mike, Bill, Sue, Rob and everyone else who spent a few minutes or hours looking. We sincerely appreciate your efforts.